Machine Vision

Industrial and Scientific Machine Vision Applications

From industrial to scientific machine vision, we continue to create reliable and cost effective visual inspection applications. Our custom machine vision solutions combine off the shelf components such as industrial cameras, optics, and illumination with our in depth knowledge of vision software. 

Visual Inspection and Sorting

Get better quality products using visual inspection and defect detection. Our custom designed machine vision systems can operate at high speed and remove defective products before these reach end of your production line.

  • Line scan and area scan applications
  • Precision dimensional measurements
  • Optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Label and component placement
  • 3D inspections
  • Sorting

Active Alignment

We combine stages and motion control with optical measurements to create high speed active alignment solutions. These applications include:

  • Fibers and sensors
  • Silicon devices
  • Micro displays
  • MEMS

Display Inspection

Our turnkey visual inspection provides cost effective color inspection of LED and LCD displays. Our expertise in calibrated spectral measurements are leading the industry in AR/VR display testing, automotive dashboard evaluations and PCB manufacturing tests for LED and label placement.

Technologies for Machine Vision